Help & Support
Phone Like Home offers a complimentary advanced voicemail feature for your convenience. To begin using it, you must first create a personalized voicemail greeting.
To record your voicemail greeting directly from your phone:
- Dial * 9 7
- In the voicemail menu, select option "0" for voicemail options.
- To record your greeting and save it, choose option "1" for the unavailable message.
Please note:
- The maximum allowed voicemail messages is 100.
- Each voicemail message can be a maximum of 5 minutes.
- A voicemail recording will automatically end after 5 seconds of silence.
On the app, navigate to Home > Plan Details > Change Plan. If you have already paid for another plan, unfortunately, you will still need to pay in full for the new plan.
- Insufficient funds: Usually, payments fail simply because the required funds are unavailable in your account to cover the transaction – or because you have exceeded your credit limit. In either case, your credit company will typically reject the payment.
- Incorrect information: The devil is in the details, and sometimes, the answer to payment failure is there too. Errors like inaccurate card numbers, an incorrectly entered expiration date, an incorrectly entered CVC code, or a wrong billing address can cause issues during payment.
- From your home tab, access the "Profile" section.
- Go to "Payment Methods".
- On the Payment Information screen, update your credit card details, and click or tap "Save" to confirm the changes.
Unless explicitly stated otherwise, all transactions are denominated in US Dollars (USD), and any currency conversions will be conducted using USD as the reference currency.
Email us at and we’ll contact you shortly after to help with your query.